Top Five Resume Myths Exposed

 Here is a helpful article from Top Five Resume Myths Exposed.

Thanks to Nimish Thakkar for the insight!


Published in: on February 22, 2010 at 7:52 pm  Leave a Comment  

Top 10 Facebook Fan Pages for Job Seekers and Career Minded Folk

Great Stuff on FaceBook Fan Pages for Job Seekers —Thanks to!

via Top 10 Facebook Fan Pages for Job Seekers and Career Minded Folk.

When the Saints Come Marching In…to Tackle Betty White

Congratulations to the New Orléans Saints for their exciting win in Superbowl 44. They finished a storybook season with a thrilling win over the favored Indianapolis Colts.

The overhyped Superbowl franchise got what it wanted: An exciting game which kept folks glued to their set. And that was a good thing for America. A good thing for America?

It is good because Superbowl ads are the last holdout of the office water cooler chatter. With many Americans using cable or something like Direct TV with hundreds of stations of content, we are a “fractured nation.”

Gone are the days of “I Love Lucy” playing out of everyone’s living room at the same time on the same evening. Gone are the days when we relied on one guy, Walter Cronkite, for our news.

Why do Superbowl ads help this? With its 100 million viewers, it is the last show “everyone” watches. I was at the grocery store hours before the game. I couldn’t find a parking spot because “everyone” was getting goodies for their Superbowl party!

So, when people gather at the office or the plant or the conference call during the week after the big game, they’ll come together more united. They’ll talk about how Betty White (age 88) took a full tackle in the mud to help out Snickers. They’ll giggle together about the Doritos Potato Chip dog’s shock collar antics. And this is a good thing.

Good because the nation needs these 30 second novellas. People in the workforce need to feel a common bond. With layoffs hitting harder and workforces stretched to the bone, we as a nation need something light, something centering, and something uniting to at the water cooler.

Thanks Betty for the unity and the laugh!

America’s Job Coach

Jobless Recovery, per Obama

America’s Job Coach made a longer, analytical (and of course profound) commentary regarding the “jobless recovery” a few months ago. Therefore, I won’t rehash that post here. I bring it up again now because that phrase was in the headlines again today. “The Jobless Recovery.” That is frightening stuff!

Is it really a recovery if there are too few jobs to help individuals “recover?” If people don’t get jobs will they have any money to stimulate the economy?

The administration today stated that they feel that the unemployment rate will hover around 9% for the rest of the year. That means somewhere close to 13 million people may become or remain unemployed!

Whether you are unemployed, underemployed, or just restless in your career, how will you react to this news? If jobs are still scarce, do you have a backup plan? What will you do if you need to make a change or an upgrade and a jobless recovery limits your options?

I met with a job coaching client tonight and he has/had a traditional career (in the computer industry) yet his passion and love is in the music world. We are going to work on ways to make that happen and it represents some outside the box thinking along the lines of self-employment. Stay tuned…

How about you? What ideas do you have for self-employment, contracting, temping, odd work until your big ship comes in? Share them here, please! Let’s beat this jobless recovery together!

America’s Job Coach

Is Attraction Legal?

Jack Canfield has been a success coach and speaker / trainer / motivator for 30 ish years. He is the co-author with Mark Victor Hansen of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series. He has had more success than most people can imagine.

What does he have to do with you finding a job or changing a career? Everything. In this clip, Jack talks about the law of attraction. That is why I put “Legal” in this post’s headline. If you want to get a better, new, different job, vocation, career or calling, my advice is to “obey the law” and listen to Jack! Law of Attraction.

America’s Job Coach